Make Your Life Easier With These Healthy Recipes
Baked Chicken Breasts
This recipe is perfect when we are on a tight schedule. Perfect with any kind of potatoes, quinoa, or brown rice.
Best Ever Cajun Chicken
This recipe may be too spicy for little people, but it's perfect if you enjoy adding some spice and heat in your recipes.
Healthy Buttery Lemon Chicken Recipe
This recipe is perfect when we are on a tight schedule. Perfect with any kind of potatoes, quinoa, or brown rice.
White Bean Chili
Serve this recipe with tortilla chips, avocado, yogurt, limes, or brown rice. This is a great alternative to traditional chili.
Add To Your Medicine Cabinet With These Great Alternatives
Disclaimer: This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure.
Elderberry Syrup Recipe
This recipe provides cold and flu relief, reduces sinus infection symptoms, lowers blood sugar, and acts as a natural diuretic.
Our Natural Strep Throat Remedy
This recipe provides relief to a sore throat and aids in fighting infection. While honey will coat the throat to provide relief, cayenne is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
Our Natural Outer Ear Infection Remedy
This recipe provides instant relief to an outer ear infection. Garlic has excellent health-promoting benefits. It is naturally an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.